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Should Military Service Be Mandatory Essay

Did you decide to write a persuasive essay military service? Congratulations! This is a very interesting topic, but you need to be mindful about a couple of things. Talking about military service is not an easy thing to do, remember. You may not have a lot of knowledge about this subject. However, the Internet is a large place. You will surely be able to find some very interesting information and statistics. However, there are also a couple things you want to avoid when writing the paper. You can, however, talk about the benefits of mandatory military service. And remember: you can find a list of tips on how to write the perfect essay towards the end of this article.

Here Is What You Want to Avoid

When writing about compulsory military service, most students tend to impose their views on the audience. Do not do this. Keep in mind that everyone has the right to have his or her own opinion. Some people agree that mandatory military service is a good thing, while others strongly disagree. And remember than many people have lost their loved ones on the battlefield. Be careful what you write about and how you express your ideas. The last thing you want to do is offend some of your readers.

Things to Talk About: The Benefits of Military Service

Let’s assume that you want to defend mandatory military service in your should 18 year old serve military essay. Here are some of the benefits of mandatory service, to get an idea of what you can write about:

  • Military service makes people man up and become more responsible.
  • You learn not to take life for granted and to be mindful of others.
  • You learn how to quickly respond to emergency situations.
  • You learn discipline and learn to be punctual.
  • Mandatory military service helps the country have an active military force at all times.
  • You learn a lot of useful skills during your time in the army.

There are a lot of pros to talk about. Of course, there are also some negative aspects of military service. The first one is that it is dangerous and that young adults are not responsible (some are even careless). Also, one may argue that mandatory military service touches on the person’s right to free will. It is your choice what to write about – the cons or the pros for mandatory military service.

Tips to Write the Perfect Should Military Service Be Mandatory Essay

To help you with the task of writing the paper, here are some of the best tips:

  • Always read the style guide for the chosen academic writing format (APA, Chicago, MLA, etc.)
  • Avoid sounding biased in your writing. You must always be objective and base your statements on hard facts.
  • Make effective use of the five paragraph essay structure.

If you are having some trouble with writing the essay, remember that the best essay writing service yahoo answers can help you with this. An academic writer is always ready to assist you with your writing tasks.